Poet's Feather

Posts by Brian Brackeen

Explore posts by Codepoet Blog Author Brian Brackeen.

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6 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need Custom Software Development

In today's digital landscape, small businesses need custom software to stay competitive. Custom software development, tailored to specific business needs, offers key benefits: adaptability, cost-effectiveness, enhanced efficiency, data-driven decisions, improved customer experience, and robust security. By investing in custom solutions, businesses achieve superior operational efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction. Codepoet specializes in creating customized software to help businesses thrive.

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Top 20 Companies Using AI to Scale Their Business

AI enhances business scalability by driving growth across sectors. Scaling involves increasing operations and revenue without proportional cost rises. AI aids this through automation, customer service, marketing, operations, product development, sales, decision-making, and fraud detection. Top companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Microsoft use AI to optimize their processes and achieve growth.

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What Does the March 2024 Google Core Update Mean for Websites & SEO?

The March 2024 Google Core Update emphasizes high-quality content, penalizes low-quality AI content, improves mobile user experience, and enhances spam detection. Sites must focus on E-E-A-T principles and adapt their SEO strategies for better rankings and visibility.

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10 Reasons Why AI Can’t Replace Human Developers

AI's rise in software development prompts concerns, but human developers remain indispensable. This article explains why AI can't replace human creativity, context understanding, and problem-solving abilities. Developers use AI for coding, automation, and analytics, yet AI falls short in customization, quality control, UX design, ethics, and interpersonal skills. Human expertise ensures superior, tailored digital solutions. Discover the irreplaceable role of developers in crafting innovative, user-centric experiences at Codepoet. Get a free quote today and let skilled developers bring your vision to life.

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Are AI & Machine Learning the Same?

Have you ever wondered about the differences between AI and machine learning? In this article, we will examine the mechanics of both, define their distinctions, and dive into their applications in web development. Though AI and machine learning are fascinating technologies, they do not eliminate the necessity for proficient human developers. Join us as we demystify these concepts!

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Does Offshore Development Really Save Money?

Considering offshore software development to cut costs? This comprehensive guide dives into the often-overlooked hidden expenses and challenges, from communication barriers to quality concerns. Learn which projects are best suited for offshore teams and when onshore development is a smarter choice. We also explore the middle ground: nearshore development. Equip yourself with insights to make the best outsourcing decision for your company's unique needs and goals.

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What Is Managed Web Hosting? Key to Stress-Free Hosting

Explore the ins and outs of Managed Web Hosting. This comprehensive guide explains how managed hosting offers a hands-off, stress-free experience by covering setup, configuration, and maintenance. Learn the differences between traditional managed hosting and managed cloud hosting. Ideal for businesses looking for expert-level support and those wanting to free up internal resources. Find out if managed hosting is the right choice for you and what to consider when selecting a provider.

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Website Hosting 101: Cloud vs. Managed vs. Hosted

Explore the differences between Cloud, Managed, and Hosted web hosting. Cloud offers affordability & scalability, Managed provides comprehensive support, while Hosted ensures full control & performance. Understand the pros & cons to choose the best fit for your company's website needs.

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Our Team's Favorite AI Tools in 2023

Discover the Codepoet team's top AI tools for 2023. From process documentation to software development, these tools enhance productivity and creativity in various fields like transcription, graphics, presentations, content creation, and more. A curated guide for innovation.

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Offshore vs. Onshore Software Development: Which is Best?

Compare offshore, onshore, and nearshore software development outsourcing. Understand the benefits and challenges of each to choose the best fit for your project.