Rug Doctor

Rug Doctor is a well-known brand with a nationwide presence. People frequently see their deep-cleaning equipment for rent in stores around the country, but many don’t know that Rug Doctor also offers their own line of cleaning solutions, professional-level equipment for purchase and more. Here’s how Codepoet’s solutions have elevated brand awareness while saving the team time, money and frustration.

Rug Doctor Hero Lineup

Project Goal

Codepoet has helped Rug Doctor increase profitability and productivity through:

  • Wordpress website design and development
  • .Net backend development
  • A powerful iOS app
  • Custom software solutions
  • Internal server maintenance, support and consulting

Our Process

Since 2018, we’ve helped the Rug Doctor team get the most out of their website, servers and other web-based technologies (while saving the company a lot of money, which is explained in more detail below.)

Prior to working with us, Rug Doctor dealt with their fair share of technology partners who overpromised and underdelivered. Nowadays, they appreciate Codepoet’s collaborative process, innovative solutions, deep expertise and commitment to delivering projects on time and under budget.

Rug Doctor Couch


Website Development & Backend Development

When our working relationship with Rug Doctor first began, the Poets focused on Wordpress website development. Plugs-ins from previous frameworks were migrated to the new site without issue. New features were also added, including the ability to dynamically pull in upsells for additional products. Once the website looked great and functioned perfectly, it was time for another project: Rewriting the brand’s entire online reservation system.

The first iteration of the system was coded by an offshore team, and the end result was riddled with antiquated code and security concerns. It was also a nightmare to use, with constant billing and equipment reservation issues. We fixed the code and now the system works flawlessly. Customer experience has improved dramatically, and the Rug Doctor team no longer has to submit multiple support requests per week.

iOS App Development

It’s not uncommon for clients to request additional projects once they experience how easy it is to work with Codepoet, and Rug Doctor is no exception. They needed a web-based solution for the Account Service Representatives (ASRs) who manage the company’s 30,000+ retail locations. So, we created an app for that.

The new iOS app is hosted on Azure and it allows ASRs to service locations quickly and efficiently. For example, invoice data is sent directly to corporate so billing is always correct. The high-end, professional design focuses on user experience, and no additional training is needed. What was once a 3-week training can now be accomplished in a single day.

Prior to the iOS app, ASRs were using handheld technology that looked (and functioned) like it came out of the 1990s. Prices for this antiquated tech have skyrocketed since there aren’t many manufacturers who make or support these tools. Rug Doctor’s equipment costs went from $3,000 per ASR before Codepoet, to $50 per user once the iOS app was implemented. When the app was demoed at an annual convention, Codepoet got a standing ovation!

Custom Software Solutions

There’s another powerful feature on Rug Doctor’s website worth mentioning — the Store Locator. Codepoet completely redesigned the system and built it from the ground up. We pull data from their backend systems, which was a project in and of itself, and that means this is a 100% custom software solution.

It wasn’t all smooth sailing, though. The initial release was built on Google Maps until Google dramatically increased pricing overnight. We acted quickly, switched to a new mapping service and saved Rug Doctor more than $200 per month.

Internal Server Maintenance

Whenever Rug Doctor needs help with server configurations, migrations or anything else tech-related, they know the Codepoet team is happy to help. Essentially, we act as an outside consultant and assist the company’s internal IT staff as needed with a focus on server management, security and optimization.

Team members

Brian Brackeen Portrait

Brian Brackeen

Founder / Developer

Matt Scalf Portrait

Matt Scalf

Sr. Developer / Networking Wizard

Mike Sanders Portrait

Mike Sanders

Sr. Developer

Jake McLelland Portrait

Jake McLelland

Sr. Developer

Simo Virokannas Portrait

Simo Virokannas

Sr. Developer

Client Testimonial

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We help you succeed. Don't take our word for it, though.

“I’ve worked with the CodePoet team on numerous projects over 2+ years.  The CodePoet team possess a wide and deep breadth of technical skills. What sets them apart is their willingness to work through a problem to reach a complete, robust solution.  The leader of CodePoet, Brian, is a person of great integrity who approaches projects with the mindset of what’s best for the client before what’s best for himself.  CodePoet is not a vendor to Rug Doctor, they are a true partner.”

- Chad Long

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